An interview with Christel Schelling, Office Manager at Intercel

When do you have a top day?
“When I see everyone going home happy and I was able to contribute to that. I have a caring nature and if I can help people, then I have a super day.”
Colleague Maaike about Christel: “Although we have only worked together for a relatively short time, half a word with Christel is already enough. She thinks along with me, she thinks ahead and makes sure everything runs smoothly. In addition, she is a pleasant person to have around you, with humor and sociability. “A topper!”
What work is on your plate?
“My work consists of short and long-term projects. From smaller things like arranging flowers, setting up a workplace or 1001 administrative matters. To larger projects, such as the internal move. Due to Intercel’s growth, a new office layout is needed. All matters surrounding this massive move, I take care of. I also have an important role in the FAFS plan and am going to be trained as head of FAFS. That brings with it great responsibility. We are working on the FAFS policy plan and to get the FAFS team in order. I am also partly responsible for planning and communication for the exercises in the event of an emergency. Everyone must of course know exactly what to do when there is an emergency. My main task is to support the management team. Our management team is very independent; my job is mainly to think along with them and keep everything in order in terms of facilities. In the meetings themselves I take the minutes. I also keep a close eye on the organization. I always ask myself: are there things that can help employees? For example, if someone is uncomfortable sitting, I make sure an appropriate chair is provided.”
How did you end up at Intercel?
“Quite a special story because in 2006 I also worked for Intercel. In between I worked in Almere, but was really ready for the next challenge at the end of last year. Googling briefly for a job in which the “caring” was central, I read a suitable vacancy at an employment agency. After inquiring, the job turned out to be with Intercel! After a few short interviews with recruitment and Vincent (owner of Intercel), it was immediate and I could start. Vincent looked at me in the interview and recognized me from the distant past. It was really coming home and a warm bath. The atmosphere is still exactly the same as in 2006. I find that super special because in 2006 there were 20 people working there and now 80!”
Colleague Robin about Christel: “With you you can always go, sometimes I ask myself: what can’t you arrange? Besides being able to build on you, I can also laugh incredibly with you.”
For you, what are 3 words that fit Intercel?
“Three words is quite few. Intercel is progressive, has a great outlook on the future and feels like a close-knit family. People really care about each other. When something is wrong with someone, it is noticed and discussed. I also think Intercel is an excellent employer that truly cares about its staff. That shows in the primary working conditions, but also in the secondary ones. We have a sustainable fleet of electric cars, it is encouraged to come by bike and there are many activities outside of work, culminating in the annual winter sports. All these things create an atmosphere where all the staff interact in a pleasant way.”
The energy transition, how do you relate to it business-wise and privately?
“Of course the products we make directly contribute to the European energy transition. But sustainability is also very practical with us with our solar panels and our electric vehicle fleet. Our new building will be completely extremely sustainable. I am not yet allowed to tell you everything about it, but it will be a real tour de force. I am also busy living sustainably with my husband privately. We have an electric car and bicycles and our house is fully insulated.”
Colleague Jauke about Christel: “The type of person who doesn’t talk the talk but cleans the brush where half a word is often enough.” Furthermore, a thoughtful woman with a golden heart which she wears on her tongue. Give her something and she takes care of it.”
Intercel is growing very fast, what do you notice?
“Lots of new colleagues! Robin and Maaike (HR) are very busy with that and so am I. Because we are growing so fast we really need the new location. We are happy that construction will start very soon. Many new functions and roles are being created that are badly needed for our growth. What is extra special is that our culture will not change. We remain a close-knit family that really looks out for each other.”
Colleague Norbert about Christel: “I see Christel as a real go-getter and doesn’t turn her hand to anything. In addition, she is always sharp and ready for you. Top notch.”
What is the nicest feedback you have received from a new colleague?
“I have heard that I am the only one not allowed to resign, which strokes my ego quite a bit. Of course that’s with a wink, but it’s still nice to hear. For me, it’s just nice when colleagues give back that things are just taken care of. My day can’t end when I hear a little phrase along the lines of: “Well taken care of Christel!”